- Urinate into a clea, dry cup or container
- Remove the test casette from the foil pouch and familarize yourself wih the product.
- Hold teh dropper vertically and transfer 3 full drops of urine to the specimen well of the test casette, adn then begin timing. Avoid trapping air bubbles in the specimen well.
- As the test casette begins to work, you may notice a light colored flow moving across the test line region (T) and control line region (C) on the test casette. Read the results at 3 minutes. If no colored line appears, wait 1 minute longer, Some positive results may be observed in1 minute or less depending on the concentration of hCG. Do not read the results after 10 minutes.
Extra infromations
- You can test your urine as early as the first day you miss the period. You can perform the test anytime of the day; however, if you are pregnant, first morning urine contains the most pregnancy hormone.
- Although you can perform the test anytime of the day, your first morning urine is usually the most concentrated of the day and would have the most hCG in it.
- It means that your urine contains hCG and you are probably pregnant. See your doctor to confirm that you are pregnant and to discuss the steps you should take.
- The appearance of a colored line in the control line region (C) tells you that you followed the test procedure properly and the proper amount of urine was absorbed.