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Mānuka Wellbeing is a family business situated alongside the Whanganui River. We have been farming honey since 2004 and produce the finest quality Mānuka honey in New Zealand. Our hives are located in native bush areas, where the bees can forage on the nectar of the Mānuka plant.

The honey is then extracted and bottled in our farm, ensuring that all of its natural goodness is retained. We are passionate about producing high quality honey, and pride ourselves on our ethical and sustainable practices. Our hives are always treated with the utmost care and respect. We only harvest as much honey as the bees can naturally produce to ensure that we can maintain a healthy colony, while also producing a delicious product for our customers to enjoy.


Māori have long-recognised the healing properties of the Mānuka plant. The plant has been used in traditional Māori medicine for centuries, and recent scientific research has shown that it can be effective against a range of bacteria.

Mānuka honey is able to kill a wide range of bacteria, including those that cause skin infections, digestive problems, and respiratory infections. It is also effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. The healing properties of the Mānuka plant are due to the presence of a compound called methylglyoxal. This compound is able to kill bacteria by interfering with their cell walls. 

Manuka Wellbeing

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