What makes Mānuka honey different from others is that it contains chemical markers unique to the Mānuka plant – it’s Unique Mānuka Factor (UMF). The UMF™ number indicates the level of the unique Mānuka properties within the honey – the higher the number, the greater the quality. Once harvested every batch of Mānuka Wellbeing’s Honey is tested by Analytica Laboratories to determine its UMF™ rating. UMF™ is internationally recognised and assures purity and quality of the honey you’re buying. All Mānuka Wellbeing Honey is rigorously tested and of the highest quality.
Along with your pot of Mānuka Honey, you will receive a UMF™ release certificate. This certificate is proof of authenticity. It shows test results of the Honeys Chemical composition and its UMF™ Rating. Certified by the UMF Honey Association.
Product Benefits:
The lowest graded UMF™ honey is rated 5+. Even though its medicinal application is not as powerful, it is still great for aiding the digestive system.
Ingredients: 100% Pure Raw New Zealand Honey